
Baserat på 7 omdömen och 56 svar
"Önskar jag kände till denna sida när jag själv skulle välja skola"
Lisa, förälder
"Äntligen kan man ta del av andra elevers åsikter helt transparent"
Fredrik, elev
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13 mar 2024

Low level competence of the school personal

Very low level of education and competence when it comes to the teachers in grade 1, 2, 3 and 4. Obviously during the years working at Bladins they never found the inner self-motivation to validate and upgrade their studies from abroad as per the Swedish school regulations and get a Swedish teaching license. At the same time demonstrating an extreme self -confidence close to arrogance. Teachers who have no idea how to involve and integrate all the students in their classroom into the study process having in mind they have English as a school language, but the moment they leave the school it’s another language, the moment they get home it’s a third language. Teachers that are not even fully aware with the curriculum of the grade they are teaching. Resource personal as teacher assistant/student assistants that lack whatsoever higher education, neither from Sweden nor from their home country. Substitutes that have not even succeeded to finish their secondary education…
6 jun 2023

This place sucks

As a student who's been going here for 7 years, I can say that this place is a mess

We recently moved campus and it's all gone downhill from there.

The lunches are absolutely disgusting, especially for the MYP years. For us MYP students, they couldn't even afford to make/get their own lunches. We have to go eat at this place called Fria Läroverket which has terrible food and dirty tables. The school argues that the food meets the 'Nutritional value' but this is a expensive private school! The food should go above and beyond here. Neither me nor my friends eat the food there, we either sneak off to the nearest store to get something or go hungry (mostly the latter)

The campus itself is tiny. It's been jammed between a few other schools that creates a big blob of buildings. For MYP students, there is only one bathroom that is available for us and it is disgusting. Not to mention the fact that the bathrooms is used more as a place to pass time because there's literally nowhere to sit. My class is a class of 30 students and the classrooms are so tiny that we aren't even allowed to bring our bags with us becuase it is a 'safety hazard in case of an emergency'. We suggested to put them under the tables so they don't block the emergency exits but apparently that's not good enough.

Also, the teachers have this thing of scheduling all the summative assesments (Tasks we get graded on) in the same two weeks. Even though there's a rule saying 'no more than 3 summatives a week' we still somehow wind up with 12 of them in the span of two weeks, which is really stressful especially when regular homework is put on top of all that.

Lastly, the money. This school blows their money like an irresponsible seven-year-old. Instead of upgrading the bad lunches or the bathrooms, they decided to spend it on... a 3D printer and a tv?? Doesn't the health and well-being of students take priority over stupid flashy products to make the school look better?

Overall, this place sucks. Bonus star because the teaching is decent apart from the summative situation but otherwise it's trash. Send your kid somewhere esle, I wouldn't wish this fate upon my worst enemy.
25 aug 2022

3 starts

Used to do to this school and miss my friends thats why im giving it a 3 starts.
Förälder / Vårdnadshavare
9 feb 2022

Complete lack of transparency

Complete lack of transparency from the Foundation board & school management. Most probably, the fees paid by the pupils in the international school are transferred to the Swedish part of the school. The teachers are great - but they do not seem to be happy about the management neither. It would be surprising if Bladins international still exist in 3 years.
Förälder / Vårdnadshavare
14 jun 2021

Go to Copenhagen or Lund for IB schools

What a disaster! The turnover of staff and lack of leadership leaves a lot to be desired. The management or office does not respond to requests. They never answer the phones and you have to remind them to get back you you.
The teachers are great but the school needs to train their staff so they are aware of local Swedish laws and regulations.

Not once did principal, support staff or subject teacher reach out to us to see if our child was ok during the pandemic.

BISM can no longer ride on the wave of being “the best international school in Malmö” as they once were!

Very disappointed in the lack of caring. Do not put your children here!
Förälder / Vårdnadshavare
3 sep 2019

en skola i kris

Katastrofskola, lever på gamla meriter.
För få lärarledda lektionstimmar, eller vad sägs om 2 t/vecka matte i årskurs 7(MYP1)?med 8 timmar/vecka av "självstudier"?
Stora klasser, stökiga pojkar som ingen stoppar, personalen orkar inte mer,
Fritids en katastrof, outbildad personal. Här får pojkar leva rövare och flickor tuktas och sätts på plats, gammaldags inställning till jämställdhet och inte skymten av genusperspektiv.
Händer ditt barn något görs ingen anmälan, ingen berättar för dig utan du får reda på allt av ditt barn ( eller andra) och ingen ringer till dig heller om ditt barn verkligen behöver det.
Ledningen ljuger och bedrar med sena besked om klasskonstellationer, antal elever per klass ( som är uppe i snitt 27 elever), och antal elever per lärare.
Massor med luckor i schemat som ändras hela tiden, Luckorna fylls med 8 t/vecka nonsens. Ingen svarar på mails från föräldrar, högstadielever lär sig inget och får senare enorma problem i den vanliga svenska gymnasieskolan.
Ful betong-lerklädd innergård. Få lärare ute på rasterna, inga uppmuntrande intelligenta aktiviteter bortsett från någon som styr lite så att barnen startar en lek om morgnarna, that's it.

Matsalen och måltiderna en katastrof, barnen äter ur brickor i sina skolsalar eller i aulan, går runt med maten på brickor i hela skolan innan de kan sätta sig ner och ha sin lunch. Köksansvariga verkar inte smaka på sin egen mat alls eller kolla så att morötterna inte är ruttna.
Toaletterna har varit vidriga.

Vissa lärare är fantastiska och räknas till de underbetalda lärare men de kan inte trolla.
Skolsköterskan är nästintill obefintlig.För att inte tala om den så kallade Kurator, som inte ens svarar per mail.
Ledningen är verkligen en katastrof. Lovar en massa men ingen vet vad poängen med den här nedrustningen är.
Förälder / Vårdnadshavare
14 jun 2019

Wonderful school! My children love it.

Wonderful school with engaged teachers and high academic level of the teaching. Happy children! The school follows the IB curriculum.

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